
CRA Clad Pipes

Aliaj Joosh is specialised in manufacturing weld-overlay clad pipes up to 12-meter-long from 4 inches bore diameter and 7mm wall thickness. This process is to protect internal piping from high-pressure corrosive fluids through clad pipe and prevents corrosion and any potential damage to pipe and avoids potential repair and replacement issues.

Our fully automatic pipe cladding equipment has the latest technology, which significantly enhance our production rates, ensuring lower base metal heat input through the welding process to ensure achieving lower Fe% dilution.

Aliaj Joosh uses automatic laser and visual scanning for detection of indications and dimensional control and also carries out, automatic dye penetrant testing, UT, RT, PMI and visual inspection as part of our quality control and assurance processes.

Our quality control team are internally assessed and approved for the following examinations;

  • Dye Penetrant Inspection (PT)
  • Positive Material Identification (PMI Examination)
  • Magnetic Examination (MT)
  • Ultrasonic Examination (UT)
  • Thickness Measurement
  • Hardness Test
  • Chemical Test
  • Ferrite Determination
  • Metallurgical Examination (Metallography)
  • Dimensional check

I Mechanically Lined Pipes

Aliaj Joosh has a strategic partnership with Cladtek to supply Mechanically Lined Pipes to projects. These pipes are made and manufactured in Cladtek manufacturing sites and completed in Aliaj Joosh plant and delivered to the projects.

These pipes can be produced in a variety of materials including Alloy 625, Alloy 825 and 316L. MLP solutions can be made to suit a wide range of applications and offer our customers significant cost benefit compared to met-clad pipe.

Lined pipe is also significantly faster to produce. We can supply CRA lined pipe in sizes ranging from 4” to 42”.

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Address: No. 101, Motahari St, Tehran, Iran.
98 21 - 91321300
Factory: No. 1357, 1st. Gol Azin Alley. 2nd. Gol Ara St., Western Hafez Blvd., Eshtehard Ind. Zone, Iran,
98 263 - 7774581-3
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