
Welding Consumables

Flux cored welding wires are designed, formulated and manufactured in Aliaj Joosh manufacturing facilities to address widest requirement for cladding and hardfacing applications. It is known as one of the largest and most advanced flux cored welding wire manufacturing facilities in the region which certified by third party bodies and assured by very restrict quality schemes.

Continuous research and development with an industry focused especially in hardfacing and weld-overlay cladding applications enable us to design and manufacture customised flux cored welding wires for mostly repair and maintenance applications.

Our reliable raw material resources and dedicated material science and metallurgy engineers in our R&D team ensure the highest quality products in the market.


Our products categorise as:

  • Tool Steels
  • Martensitic and Ferritic Stainless Steel
  • Abrasion resistant alloys
  • Low and medium alloys
  • Work-hardenable alloys
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Address: No. 101, Motahari St, Tehran, Iran.
98 21 - 91321300
Factory: No. 1357, 1st. Gol Azin Alley. 2nd. Gol Ara St., Western Hafez Blvd., Eshtehard Ind. Zone, Iran,
98 263 - 7774581-3
Aliaj Joosh Aria Copyright � 2019 All Rights Reserved